Want to make a difference in a young person’s life?

Become a Coach or Assistant Coach!!
Coaches and Assistant Coaches for the BTT Youth League receive special training and access to online training materials.

It’s fun and a great way to spend time with your kids!!

Important: Read this section BEFORE you register to be a coach or assistant coach!!!

  • For the Fall 2024 All Coaches, please click and register through the link below. You only have to do the requirements once a year. If you are a returning coach, you will only need to register/update things as needed.
  • Important – Please be sure to use your full legal name (e.g. William not Bill) when registering.
  • When prompted for your State ID#, enter your driver’s license number.
  • When prompted for your License, please enter your coaching license, if any.
Good luck. Please email Brittany Houghton @ youth@boisetimbersthorns.org if you are having trouble.
To register as a Coach or Assistant Coach for the BTT Youth League, please follow the steps below:
Step 1 – Register Online by clicking on the following link:
Signup Here

Step 2: After completing step 1 above, please plan on attending the following meetings:
Recreational Coach/Assistant Coach Pre-Season Training Meeting

Dates and times for Coach/Asst Coach Meetings and Skills Training Sessions will be sent out via email once set.
Step 3 – you must complete the following requirements set by US Youth Soccer BEFORE Season Starts
(All can be done through your Got Sport Coaching Account Dashboard – Done once per year)
– Background Check 
– Safe Sport / Risk Management Training
– Heads Up Concussion Training