Flower Basket General Information
- LOCATION: Pickup BTT Complex
- FUNDS APPLICATION: Team Expenses or Club Fee
- DESCRIPTION: Portion of each basket is applied to players team expenses or club fee. Delivered in time for Mother’s Day gifts
Start Date: September 17th and End Date: October 1st
Boise Timbers | Thorns is sponsoring the Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser to raise funds to offset team and/or club costs. They will be delivered on May 7th just in time for Mother’s Day.
Because we have a new grower, there are new rules this year.
The grower must have a flower basket estimated count by Oct. 2nd. You will be held accountable for your estimates. Money is due by Nov. 1st.
To Sign Up:
Fill out this form: Flower Basket Survey Form to indicate your interest in selling 12” flower baskets. List your player’s name, email, phone number, and team/ age group.
Attached is an Order Form to enter your orders.
Direct Sales–Pay by Cash or Check—You can sell 11 different flower baskets at $40 each. Each player’s account receives $10 to $12 per basket sold.
Click on Flower Basket Brochure to view a Color Brochure that features all the products you can sell. The baskets are numbered starting at No. 7 because that is how the catalog is set up.
Directly collect the funds when an order is placed. Please make checks payable to: Boise Timbers Thorns
A preliminary count of sales is due on October 2nd.
Flower Basket Delivery Date; May 7th: Just before Mother’s Day
For more information contact Barb Egland at eventsdirector@boisetimbersthorns.org.